For much of the history of the church the practise of slavery went unchallenged. It’s not difficult to see why. Slavery was a longstanding feature of human society that was rarely questioned by those who were free. In the sixth century BC the philosopher Aristotle argued that slavery was a dictate...
Is there a way through the poisoned politics of climate?
Is there any hope for progressive causes under a Scomo Coalition government?
When you’ve nothing left to do but watch binge TV
Why I Won’t Vote my Values
Spin v Promise. Are the Liberals Better Economic Managers?
An Unexpected & Stunning Turnaround. A Health Update
Last November I posted a health update that reflected a rather bleak outlook for 2019. I had watched my physical health deteriorate under the influence of Parkinsons to the point that most days were spent with hours of disabling tremors, a window of functionality that might last anywhere from one...