“Acts of violence to women aged between 15 and 44 across the globe produce more deaths, disability and mutilation than cancer, malaria and traffic accidents combined.” This statistic, quoted in Elaine Storkey’s Scars Across Humanity, shocked me more than any other I have heard...
No, Penal Substitutionary Atonement is Not the Heart of the Gospel.
Why don’t we simply change the date?
Now This is Really Good News! Reframing the Gospel
Does the church have a future?
The Australian church is not in good shape. Over the last century regular church attendance has declined from around 50% of the population to around 15% today and our younger generations are dropping out an alarming rate. The large decline suggests the issue is not lifestage (i.e. people leave as...
On the shaming of Bathsheba
A Prayer for Rohingya and Manus Refugees
The most persecuted people on earth
Should Euthanasia Be Legal? A Personal Reflection.
Protecting the right to discriminate. What should the marriage equality legislation do?
The nation has voted for the recognition of same-sex marriage, and the challenge in the coming days is to legislate it. Many Christians are calling for a raft of provisions that protect their right to discriminate. The principle that it is unlawful to discriminate against somebody on the grounds of...