The End of Greed

In 2012 Baptist World Aid Australia released my first book, The End of Greed. Consuming as if God, People and the Planet Matter. In it I argue that our habit of acquiring more is damaging our relationships with God, eroding our generosity, exploiting people in poorer countries, wreaking havoc on the planet and inflicting suffering on animals. But there is a better way, a Christ-shaped consuming that embodies love for God, people, the planet and our fellow creatures.

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[testimonial company=”Morling College,

author, ExilesThe Road to MissionalJesus the Fool” author=”Michael Frost”] At one level this book is easy to read. It is highly engaging and extremely practical. But at another level it is a disturbing challenge to us all. Scott reminds us that we have vastly more than our grandparent’s generation, unimaginable wealth compared to most people on the planet, and yet we find ourselves still wanting more. This is a brilliant resource that nicely smacks you around the ears with the harsh realities of God’s universal reign on earth. Then, having confronted us with our own greed, he offers us realistic ways forward. If The End of Greed does contain a prophetic challenge, and I believe it does, then like all prophetic texts we ignore it at our peril.
[/testimonial] [testimonial company=”Senior Pastor,
Gymea Baptist Church” author=”Karl Faase”] In The End of Greed Scott Higgins has set out to deal with Christians attitude to consumption and the influence of materialistic western culture. Scott brings to the topic solid Biblical foundations, philosophical sense, harrowing examples and practical solutions to create a book that will be immensely helpful for any individual or church community.
[/testimonial] [testimonial company=”Principal,
Vose Seminary, Perth, Australia” author=”Dr. Brian Harris”] This is a thoroughly readable book, which is at times a little distressing, as its content challenges and requires response. It would have been easier if we could dismiss it in the “too dull to matter” category, but this is simply not possible. Though readable, it is never shallow, and while the scope of its concern is broad, it is not simplistic. It reflects good theology which is well applied and richly relevant for both the church and the marketplace. I resonate with the suggestion that we “redefine ‘getting ahead’ as giving more rather than getting more” (20), and appreciate some of the practical suggestions to help make this happen.
I hope that this book finds a wide readership, for it deals with topics that matter. It provides more than enough content for a stimulating sermon series, or to keep home groups discussing into the small hours of the morning. Hopefully at some point we will stop the chatter, and start to implement some of the attainable small steps suggested.
[/testimonial] [testimonial company=”Senior Pastor,
Syndal Baptist Church, Victoria, Australia” author=”Bill Brown”] Scott Higgins in ‘The End of Greed’ engages the reader with confronting stories and compelling Biblical perspectives about how we live in today’s world and then challenges followers of Jesus to take action to make a difference in our world and to the lives of some of the world’s poorest people. This is a down to earth book about seeing the kingdom of God come on earth. I reckon it is a must read for people and pastors! It provides outstanding material for sermons and group studies but more than that it demands an action response. Allow God to stretch you and bless your world by reading ‘End of Greed’.

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