Loving God, we know that both your tender compassion and your fierce anger are aroused by what is occurring today in Syria, Iraq, Israel, Gaza, and other parts of the world where people are wounded and displaced by political violence.
Our hearts long for peace, that full-bodied peace pictured in the Scriptures in which warfare gives way to harmony, hatred to love, tears to laughter. Bring enemies to the table of peace, equipped with the capacity to repent and forgive.
Our tears flow for those forced to flee. Grant them places of safety, companions to comfort them in their grief and share their fears, water to quench their thirst and food to sustain their bodies, and the kindling of hope for a better future.
Our hands tremble at the challenge of containing evil and doing good. Grant our leaders the resolve to do both. Bless them with the wisdom to know how. And Fill us with the generosity of spirit to welcome these wounded friends to our country.
A Prayer for the Middle East http://t.co/oy8edkdoEb
A Prayer for the Middle East http://t.co/qHQ9891Ttj
A Prayer for the Middle East http://t.co/gLa6JG4S2h