Twelve Months of Blogging. The Top Ten Posts

Twelve months ago I decided to try my hand at blogging. And 101 posts later the experiment continues. As I look back on the first 12 months of my blog, these are the highlights.

The ten most read posts

  1. Belief Blockers. What Turns Australians Off the Church
  2. To Love and Submit?
  3. Paul Was No Feminist But His Gospel Is
  4. On Healing
  5. Possibly the Worst Sermon Ever
  6. The Hardest Letter I’ve Ever Has to Write
  7. Making Room for Dissent. How We Can Disagree Without Destroying Each Other
  8. I Don’t Plan On Being in Heaven for Long
  9. Losing My Independence
  10. Five Things We Need To Know Before Supporting an Orphanage

The number of readers

Google Analytics tells me that over the course of the year 5,564 different people visited the site and 22,231 pages were read. A number of those readers have become people with whom I have forged a sense of connection and friendship, albeit in a digital form.


I have been moved and humbled by the feedback I have received. It seems that many of those who have read the blog have asked the same questions as me and have at times found my observations helpful in some small way. I have been enriched by the comments people have made and by the personal correspondence we have had.

Recommend the Blog to Someone Else

If you have found the blog in any way useful can I ask you to recommend it to someone you think might appreciate it. If you want to provide any feedback I’d love to hear it – you can do so via the contact page.

Thanks for all your reading and encouragement.


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8 years ago

Pete,I love the show! This episode was one of the fnsineut of the one’s I’ve heard so far. It was great hearing all your voices together again, they spark so many flashbacks that I have five different records playing at the same time in my brain. It was so great when you hit on the Chinese machine gun idea, going Debit! Debit! Debit! instead of Budda! Budda! , like hearing the birth of a Firesign script firsthand. There’s so much great stuff going on in these podcast episodes and at such a rapid pace that it’s hard to keep up… Read more »

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