The most horrific of all Christian doctrines is the doctrine of the eternal judgement, the declaration that vast numbers of humankind will experience eternal punishment at the hands of their Creator. In its most extreme form it imagines a house of horrors in which people experience excruciating...
Justice That Heals
There have been a number of ah-ha moments in my life, times at which I have seen myself and my world in a new light. One of those was to discover the place of justice in the Christian life. Echoing the prophet Micah, Jesus identified justice, mercy and faithfulness as the three central dimensions...
Are They Few Who Will Be Saved? On the Nature of Judgement
What’s Wrong with the World?
The Times once invited famous authors to answer the question “What’s wrong with the world?” GK Chesterton gave the shortest reply [quote]Dear sir, What’s wrong with the world? I am[/quote] We like to think that the world’s problems are of someone else’s...
Is the Doctrine of Hell Blasphemous?
Life Everlasting
What happens when we die? In this four part series we explore the biblical vision of heaven, judgement and the afterlife and discover it is both far removed from popular thinking and profoundly relevant for life.