A single graphic that shows why our school kids are on a climate strike.

As school kids are on their climate strike today, this chart from the climate action tracker website is a simple reminder why.

The chart shows us:

  1. Where we are at present. The world has already warmed, on average, by 1° since pre-industrial times.
  2. Where current policies and commitments, if met, will get us by 2100 – warming of somewhere between 2.4° and 4.3°
  3. Where the pledges and targets adopted to date, if met, will get us by 2100 – warming somewhere between 2.3° and 3.7°.

The Government’s official position is that it accepts the science of climate change and recognises that the failure to constrain warming is having and will have devastating impacts. The Prime Minister keeps arguing that Australia will meet its Paris commitments to reduce emissions by 26-28% compared to 2005 levels “in a canter”. Yet

  1. no-one outside the Government seems to believe this.
  2. our emissions (by the government’s own reporting) have risen every year since Tony Abbot abolished the fledgling Emissions Trading Scheme.
  3. while in power the Coalition has rejected almost every emissions reduction proposal brought to it by its own leaders.
  4. the Government has given no indication it plans to participate in the Paris agreement call to countries to keep upgrading their targets until pledges are sufficient to get us to a 1.5° world;
  5. the unabashed support for new coal mines across the Coalition is nothing less than a declaration of either climate skepticism or a bet that the world will fail to reach the necessary climate goals (the only way new coal mines can be profitable is if they continue to produce coal beyond the date at which we need to have stopped burning fossil fuels).

Any wonder that our kids are striking over climate change?

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John Church
John Church
4 years ago

I struggle with what the children mean. It seems to be all emotion and no real costed projections if they understand the science they should be able to illustrate the rest in full . Slogans are nothing more than meaningless words

Sonia Powell
Sonia Powell
4 years ago
Reply to  John Church

Hello John, I agree that the children are primarily expressing their emotions, especially fear, anger and frustration. However, it’s not children that I turn to when I need costed projections of response options, as I do not expect them to have completed their education in such matters yet. Instead, as an actuary, I look at the work done by experienced business people, economists, engineers and scientists. The dispassionate analysis of these objective adults points to the compelling need to shift our economy, communities, habits, businesses and households aware from our current unsustainable practices. Actually making this change requires us to… Read more »

David Cooper
David Cooper
4 years ago

Excellent, thanks Scott

Stephen Nicholson
Stephen Nicholson
4 years ago

Another way to view is as risk management – we take precautions to prevent or mitigate undesirable outcomes: house and car insurance, safer cars and roads, not speeding, etc. When 98+% of climate scientists say climate change is real, and the implications threaten the viability of human existence, it is prudent to take actions to reduce the degree of warming, and to mitigate the consequences. Risk the outcome on the basis that you don’t believe it, or take drastic action to avoid it? As trustees of God’s creation, we have a duty to pass on to future generations a world… Read more »

John Church
John Church
4 years ago

Where is the consistent science ? It seems to change with every report. No-one is able to coherently say what it means putting children in this equation without any coherent policy advanced is dishonest .

John Church
John Church
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I do not deny climate is changing but I do question the quality of the IPCC reports an example . I am totally discouraged by the incompetence of the debate on all sides,let alone any discussion of the human cost of the solutions proposed.Another example of the quality which goes to the honesty in this debate “But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.”… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  John Church

Hi John, every major scientific body around the world affirms climate science – see http://opr.ca.gov/facts/list-of-scientific-organizations.htmlq.

The Edenhoffer quote you refer to is from the Google translation of a German interview and a spokesman for Edenhoffer has stated that it is taken out of context and misrepresents his position (see https://www.desmogblog.com/…/how-climate-science-deniers-manufacture- quotes-convince-you-united-nations-one-big-socialist-plot).

John Church
John Church
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I do not deny climate is changing but slogans do not address the issue .We need some clear consistent thought ourt policy to achieve anything but keeping people in poverty is not my way. California Gov I do not think represents every major scientific body. Anyone today can find quotes that tend to point that way I am no German scholar but I do remember that Australia Scientist Tim Flannery making many claims that have been born out. Are you saying he is not a major scientific person or he only was when the Govt employed him.? My dear Wormwood:… Read more »

John Church
John Church
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Scott , There is no policy and thought out solutions being done on a worldwide basis. Australiais alll about itself and no world view. I note Nowhere in CSIRO etc .is there any real consideration beyond Australia. I note you did not comment on govt appointed scientist and his inaccurate predictions rather gross in fact which can only make people question the reliability of science predictions

John Church
John Church
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Scott , Tim Flannery is an Australian example of the science there are 1000s of others who actually have credible views and relevant qualifications that express themselves differentlyto the current alarmist approach

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