I wonder what he was feeling, the boy staring at me from the black and white photograph. He must be about twelve years old. The number ‘1’ is pinned to his shirt, signalling he was the first to be processed on the day he was brought to the prison. Did he have any inkling about what lay ahead? It...
Making Room for Dissent. How We Can Disagree Without Destroying Each Other.
“Scott, I’m not prepared to talk to you because it’s clear you don’t believe what the bible says”. With those words Dave (not his real name), a fellow pastor, hung up the phone. I don’t believe what the bible says? It was the mid 1990s and the Baptist churches in...
We Are All Family
Peter Arnett was a CNN television reporter. He tells of a time he was in Israel, in a small town on the West Bank, when a bomb exploded. Bloodied people were everywhere. A man came running up to Peter holding a little girl in his arms. He pleaded with Peter to take her to a hospital. As a member...