A few years ago the Family First political party arose, with strong links into the Christian church. It struck me at the time that perhaps we were putting more emphasis upon the family than the Bible does. The debate around marriage equality has raised the question again with the claim that...
I’m still here and loving It. Where did everyone else go? Why do so many drop out of church?
Belonging to church has always been and continues to be a really important part of my life. Yet according to the 2008-09 International Social Science Survey, seven out of every 10 Australians who attended church monthly or more when aged 11 drop out of church life once they become adults. Why is it...
A Better Way Forward on Refugees
Everyone can tell you what’s wrong with Australia’s current approach to asylum seekers and refugees, but what’s a better alternative? A Just Cause has released a document that outlines a better way forward. It shows that the world faces a refugee crisis. 17 million people have...
A 17th Century Baptist Speaks To Us About Marriage Equality
Opposition leader Bill Shorten has announced he will introduce a private members bill legislating for marriage equality. As we consider this I think we have something to learn from the 17th century Baptist leader Thomas Helwys, who issued the first call for religious freedom written in the English...
How to change the world
Sociologist turned historian Rodney Stark has written a number of volumes devoted to the rise of Christianity. He points out that Christianity took off not because we got people into churches and preached Jesus to them, but because we got out of our churches into the community and showed Jesus to...
Did anyone else think government spending was going down?
With all the hype about “budget repair” I had made the assumption that government spending was going down. Turns out I am wrong. At the same time that our government is demanding we slash and burn things like foreign aid, it is planning on spending $14 billion dollars more next year...
Sheer Cold-Hearted Bastardry. History is tragically repeating itself.
On 13 May 1939, 937 German Jews boarded a cruise liner, the SS St Louis, in a desperate bid to escape Nazi Germany. They had visas to enter Cuba, and from there hoped to gain entry to the US. When they arrived in Cuba 14 days later those hopes were dashed. The Cuban authorities refused them entry...
All that campaigning and the aid program is still savaged. Did we achieve anything?
Having spent more than a decade of my life campaigning for increases in both the quantity and the quality of the Australian aid program, it has been devastating to see the aid budget slashed by more than 20%, the greatest single decrease in the history of the program. I have travelled to a number...
What Parkinsons has taught me about giving and receiving help. It’s harder than you think
I boarded a crowded train a few weeks back. It was a day when my tremor was particularly bad. A thoughtful woman offered to find me a seat, which I declined. Then as I struggled to manoeuvre my phone into an already full bag another passenger tried to help me. Without saying a word he unzipped the...
Protect the unborn and slaughter your enemies. The bizarre inconsistency of the US right
Later this month US Republican senator Rick Santorum is expected to declare his candidacy for the presidency of the United States. Speaking this week at the South Carolina Freedom Summit, a self-declared Conservative event, Santorum spoke of ISIS and the approach the United States should take to...